Bernieadette Contreras


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12:23 am

Bernieadette Contreras

We come from different worlds, different languages
Where friendship cannot be translated between
We came together from a common need for an intelligent companion
Who saved each other from life, for a while, unseen.

I respected you for so many things:
Your simple elegance, and strong mind
Your beautiful writing, that could make me cry
Your ethical standards, yet open mind; and
Your strength to hold it all inside.

However - Inevitability, of course, set in
The event was trivial, a blind moot point
Yet it tore us apart, as we realized
that we were different, too different to maintain -
You wanted a hug, I wanted a home;
you wanted a name, I wanted a change.

but most of all, I wanted to help
and although you needed it
but wouldn't let me; I was stubborn
and insisted for you
but realized too late, that your way of showing it was different
and when I felt you didn't need me, you did most of all
but your push was a pull
and I helped like a fool
but help I did, for I always persist
and I diverted your mind from whatever irked you
but the friendship was sacrifised, not like it would last
and it hurts me so much, we're a thing of the past.
but i still care.

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